Class 1 (15-21 mmHg)
Compression stockings for men
Most men are convinced that only elderly women, sick people or pregnant women are using compression stockings. Nothing could be further from the truth, as men actually also benefit hugely from a pair of masculine compression stockings. On this site you will find many different variants which without doubt will satisfy you masculine gene, and give you good support and blood circulation.
The big advantage of compression stockings is that you can improve your health and you everyday life dramatically. The extra pressure actually means that the circulation from legs and feet and back to the heart improves. It is perfectly logical that the blood circulation gets weaker the further away from the heart you get - with a pair of efficient compression stockings you can completely eliminate this weakening.
Who should use compression stockings?
Of course there are instances and situation where compression stockings for men are more efficient than others. It is often in connection with a demanding job that your legs will need a better circulation. Compression stockings also help to combat sore and tired legs which can be an immense advantage in connection with your daily work.
If for instance you stand up for 11 – 15 hours a day, you can ease much of the pressure with compression stockings. Beside this, it can also be useful in opposite situations; if you are sitting still all day, and find it difficult to get your legs going. In this situation compression stockings can help, not only to keep the legs going, but also to ease sore and tired legs.
Compression stockings tighten the muscles somewhat which is enough to prevent your legs from getting sore at the end of the day. This is due to an increase in the blood circulation and waste products leaving the body faster and more efficiently.
Big selection of compression stockings for men on this site
Let's quickly strip away the myth of compression stockings only being aimed at women. You can easily see this by taking a closer look at our selection where you will find masculine designs and neutral compression stockings aimed at men. Compression stockings winds up along the calf and looks just like an ordinary knee high stocking. However, the extra support is invaluable!
Amongst others, you will find stylish black or white stockings with support. These are very popular, as you do not stand out from the rest, but simply have a neutral appearance. There are also other cool and trendy designs, for instance striped stockings and stockings with a rectangular pattern. The design best suited you depends on your individual needs and wishes. All stockings give optimal support, so you only have to make a choice in terms of design.